How to Increase C Drive Space in Windows

How to Increase C Drive Space in Windows

In this post, you’re going to learn How to Increase C Drive Space in Windows, you can call it anything but the main point is this actually works.

Everyone always wants to increase data storage in this digital world, I am sure you’re one of them.

Curious internet user always tries to search for something interesting like:

How to Increase SD Card Space, How to Increase USB Disk (Pen drive) Space and this is not a myth, everything is possible at Techerge.

Yes! You can Expand/Increase Hard Drive Storage in Windows. This is possible because of Windows hard drives created as NTFS File system.

NTFS File system allows you to Enable compression and save storage or you can say Enable compression will increase your Hard Drive storage.

How much hard drive storage I can Expand in windows?

We’ve already tested, You can Expand between 5GB To 7GB storage from 50GB drive when you enable compression.

It totally depends on the size of the drive you’re using, If you enable compression on the drive of 100GB so your drive space will increase between 10GB to 15GB.

How to Increase C Drive Space in Windows

Let’s focus on Drive (F:) Actual free Space is 4.7GB and we’re going to Enable compression in this Drive, let’s see how much storage we can Increase in Drive (F:)

How to Increase C Drive Space in Windows

Step 1: Select Drive >>Right-Click on it >> Properties

How to Increase C Drive Space in Windows

Simply select any drive whose storage you want to increase, Right-click on it and select Properties.

Step 2: Select General Tab >> Tick the Box >>OK

hard disk ntfs compression

In the drive properties tab, Click on General Tab then Tick the box (Compress this drive to save disk space) and finally click on OK.

Step 3: Select “Apply changes to drive, subfolders and files” >> OK

hard disk ntfs compression

After clicking on OK (in the previous step). You’ll see a confirm attribute changes popup, just Select 2nd option (Apply changes to drive, subfolders and files) then Click on OK.

Step 4: Wait for the Processing

How to Increase C Drive Space in Windows

Wait until the process is complete then you can see how much space increased in your drive.


How to Increase C Drive Space in Windows

See Now My (F:) drive free space is increased 4.7GB to 10.5GB, Approximately 6GB is Increased in My 50GB Drive.

We’ve tested on very small drive consisting only 50GB of drive storage and got 6GB more space, why don’t you try this tweak on a large space drive like 100-200GB drive.

I am sure the Increased space will shock you, Try it and share with us your experience in comments.

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