How To Make a Calculator by Using CMD Tricks in Windows

How To Make a Calculator by Using CMD Tricks in Windows
In this post, I am going to show you How To Make a Calculator by Using CMD Tricks in Windows.

Create your Own Calculator by using Command Prompt in Windows is such a creative thing, Just Follow some simple steps and make your own calculator by using CMD tricks.

Now, you can easily create own calculator without having a single knowledge of coding. It’s such an easy task, you just need to paste the code in notepad.

Calculator Code is already provided in the post, just copy the code and paste in the notepad file and save it. Then follow some simple steps to use the calculator in your command prompt.

It’s an amazing way to create a calculator and there are many cmd tricks available to use the calculator properly, also you can show off in front of your friends that you’ve created a CMD calculator using cmd tricks and coding.

How To Make a Calculator by Using CMD Tricks in Windows

Step 1:  Open Notepad

How To Make a Calculator by Using CMD Tricks in Windows
Type in Windows search bar “Notepad” then you’ll get the Notepad in the list of programs.

Step 2:  Paste Below Code in Notepad

@echo off


Echo Press 1 for Addition

echo Press 2 for Subtraction

echo Press 3 for Multiplication

echo Press 4 for Division

echo Press 5 to Quit

set /p type=

if %type%==1 goto a

if %type%==2 goto b

if %type%==3 goto c

if %type%==4 goto d

if %type%==5 goto e


echo Addition

echo Please choose the 2 numbers you wish to add

set /p num1=

set /p num2=

echo %num1%+%num2%?


set /a Answer=%num1%+%num2%

echo %Answer%


goto start


echo Subtraction

echo Please choose the 2 numbers you wish to subtract

set /p num1=

set /p num2=

echo %num1%-%num2%?


set /a Answer=%num1%-%num2%

echo %Answer%


goto start


echo Multiplication

echo Please choose the 2 numbers you wish to multiply

set /p num1=

set /p num2=

echo %num1%*%num2%?


set /a Answer=%num1%*%num2%

echo %Answer%


goto start


echo Division

echo Please choose the 2 numbers you wish to divide

set /p num1=

set /p num2=

echo %num1%/%num2%?


set /a Answer=%num1%/%num2%

echo %Answer%


goto start


echo. Done!


Step 3:  Save File in Notepad.

Make Calculator using Command Prompt in windows

Save Notepad File by clicking on File>> Save As>> Calculator.bat

.Bat is a File Extension it can’t be changed but you can set any name at the place of Calculator if you want to change the File’s Name.

Step 4: Double Click on the Calculator.bat file and you will get a CMD window.

How To Make a Calculator by Using CMD Tricks in Windows



Step 5:  Follow Instruction as seen in below Screenshot and your answer will be displayed.

How To Make a Calculator by Using CMD Tricks in Windows

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